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The Cape Town Chef's Table - a socially conscious event by Call 2 Care for YPO

Call 2 Care

Updated: Mar 28, 2019

Cape Town - a multi-cultural ‘Foodies’ paradise.  One of the renowned food capitals of the world that has a mixed pot of diverse cuisine on every corner, for every pallet, which is being created and prepared by passionate, creative and local talent.

On Monday the 4th of March, Call 2 Care, in collaboration with The Winner’s Group, had the opportunity of hosting the Cape Town Chef’s Table experience, as part of a spouse program for the Young President’s Organization (YPO). Several guests, travelling from all over the globe, were treated to a day of exploring our beautiful city and all the delicious, local food Cape Town has to offer. We are the foodie city after all. The experience sought to connect all socially active service providers that have contributed to the development of Cape Town while sharing their personal stories.

"Call 2 Care had the honour of conceptualising and delivering the socially conscious event in true YPO style, where guests embarked on culinary journey to connect, network and engage with the individuals behind incredible socially conscious initiatives." Alexandrynna Audagnotti, Executive Director of Operations at Call 2 Care.

CSR Event by Call2Care a NPO in Cape Town
The full event program conceptualised and delivered by Call 2 Care for the YPO spouse program as part of a conferencing event hosted in Cape Town

Oranjezicht City Farm (OZCF) featuring Sheryl Ozinsky

Upon arrival from the CTICC, guests were transferred to Oranjezicht City Farm (OZCF) where founder Sheryl Ozinsky gave an introduction into how a small idea to bring a community together just a couple of years ago, has grown into a beautiful city farm and market. The Oranjezicht City Farm (OZCF), a non-profit project that celebrates local food, culture and community through urban farming in Cape Town. Guests were then given the opportunity to forage and harvest fresh produce from the garden, and whiz up their own raw juices and smoothies on blender bikes.

MasterChef's Jade De Waal & Masiphakameni Women’s Group

Next, guests were taken to Cape Town’s own Masterchef, Jade De Waal’s quirky and charming Food Jams kitchen in Salt River to connect with Jade and the Masiphakameni Women’s Group. Masiphakameni Women's Group, meaning "Let us rise" is a special culmination of a 3-month cooking training program facilitated by Food Jams/Jade de Waal during which she teaches all their is to know to transform professionally and independently in the exciting cooking industry.

Using fresh ingredients harvested from OZCF, as well as ingredients provided by Food Jams, guests were treated to an afternoon of cooking some delicious dishes whilst jamming to local beats.

Bo-Kaap’s Auntie, Zainie Misbach

Before heading back to the CTICC, guests visited Bo-Kaap, a historically rich and distinct section of Cape Town, known locally and internationally for its vibrant colourful houses. Situated at the foot of Signal Hill, on the fringe of the city centre, and formerly known as the Malay Quarter, the Bo-Kaap’s origins date back to the 1760s when numerous “huurhuisjes” (rental houses) were built and leased to slaves. These people were known as Cape Malays, and were brought from Malaysia, Indonesia and the rest of Africa to work in the Cape.

Guests were greeted by bo-Kaap’s Auntie, Zainie Misbach. Zainie Misbach is a Bo-Kaap local with strong community ties and a passion for preserving the Cape Malay culture. With breathtaking panoramic views of Cape Town, guests learned about Cape Malay culture while sipping on Cape Malay Tea and tasting Cape Malay Spicy Desserts such as traditional melktarties & local coconut rolled koeksisters.

Zainie Misbach

We would like to send a special thank you to YPO, the Winner's Group as well as all involved in allowing us to showcase this special socially conscious event..

About Call 2 Care

Call 2 Care makes it simple for organisations to improve lives through education by creating projects and events in line with company objectives and values - from concept to delivery at a beneficiary in need. We pride ourselves on creating custom projects and events that maximise Corporate Social investment, ensures the benefits of CSR initiatives are maximised throughout an organisation while also ensuring a mutually beneficial relationship is fostered between business and community. Learn more about Call 2 Care's core services and contact us for your next socially conscious project and event.



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